
New System Image

The system software in your printer is stored on the internal hard drive. This allows you to update the system software from the host computer.

Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/New System Image


Yes, No

Default No

Notes The procedures for downloading a new system image are in chapter 9, “Troubleshooting Printer Problems,” in the Operations guide.

Capture Printjob

This allows you to capture the next job received by the printer and store it to the printer’s memory. To access the captured print job you must copy the file from the printer’s memory system (memory includes the printer’s hard disk). Copy the captured file from


Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Capture Printjob

Choices Disable, Capture Nextjob, Del Capturedjob

Default Disable

Notes If the print job is larger than the available space on the hard disk, the job will be flushed. The captured print job will remain on the disk until it is deleted with the Del Capturedjob menu option or it is overwritten when another print job is captured.


QMS 4060 Print System Reference