

This appendix lists the supported Document Option Commands (DOCs) for your QMS 4060 Print System. The commands are grouped by feature type.

Each command is preceded by either a DOC statement (%%) or an IncludeFeature statement (%%IncludeFeature). See the QMS Crown Document Option Commands manual for information on how to use each command.

Supported QMS DOCs

Header/Trailer Page Commands

Print copyright statement


Print document creator


Print creation date and time


Print current date


Print document owner


Print document host


Print routing information


Print document title


Print version and revision


Print header page

%%IncludeFeature: header

Print trailer page

%%IncludeFeature: trailer

HP-GL Emulation Commands

Select enhanced resolution

%%IncludeFeature: enhanced

Expand plot

%%IncludeFeature: expand

Select original paper size

%%IncludeFeature: size

Select pen width and color

%%IncludeFeature: pen

Select plotter

%%IncludeFeature: plotter

Scale the image

%%IncludeFeature: scaling


QMS 4060 Print System Reference