
»Note: If you add the Input Buffer Sizes allocated to each interface and the Shared Spooling Space, the result should equal Host Input.

PostScript Heap

The K Mem for PSHeap, listed on the status page as Heap, is the number of kilobytes of RAM dedicated to the PostScript emulation interpreter. This memory client holds downloaded PostScript emulation fonts, operators, and forms.

Menu Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem for PSHeap

Choices 01280-no maximum

Notes If you change the K Mem for PSHeap value, the printer automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit from the configuration menu. The maximum value listed depends on the amount of memory installed.

PostScript Fonts

The K Mem for PS Fonts, listed on the status page as Font Cache, is the number of kilobytes of RAM dedicated to caching previously scaled bitmap representations of fonts for the PostScript emulation interpreter.

Menu Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem for PS Fonts

Printer Configuration
