The term “pen” in the
Since your QMS 4060 Print System is a monochrome (black and white) printer, the pen colors are converted to shades of gray. The default color mappings for the 8 pens are as follows:
Pen | Pen Color | Level of Gray |
1 | Black | 100% |
2 | Black | 100% |
3 | Red | 70% |
4 | Green | 41% |
5 | Blue | 89% |
6 | Violet | 59% |
7 | Orange | 25.8% |
8 | Brown | 50% |
»Note: The default color for both pen 1 and pen 2 is black. However, the pen width for these two pens is different. Pen 1 is 0.7 mm and pen 2 is 0.3 mm.
The printer maps each pen to its assigned color, then converts the color to a grayscale using the National Television System Committee (NTSC) standard equation for encoding color. This equation converts a given set of CMYK values to grayscale. For the 8 pen colors assigned to pens 1 - 8, the printer uses the designated grayscale; for any other pen color, the printer uses the following equation:
[(C*0.3) + (M*0.59) + (Y*0.11) + K] ÷ 255
»Note: This equation assumes that each grayscale is a byte value that ranges from 0 to 255 (100%). If the sum of the
QMS 4060 Print System Reference |