
Setting Timeouts

The Timeouts options limit the amount of time the printer waits on transmission from the host for various types of data.

Setting a PostScript Emulation Timeout

The PostScript emulation timeout is the maximum number of seconds the PostScript emulation waits for incoming data.

Menu Administration/Communications/Timeouts/PS Wait Timeout

Choices 00000-99999

Default 00030 (30 sec.)

Notes A value of 00000 is the same as infinity (no timeout). The job is closed and the next job in the queue begins if all of the following occur:

nNo additional data is received during the specified period of time.

nThe interface didn’t time out.

nAn EOD (end-of-document commands) was not seen.

When a print job is sent from a Macintosh, the PS Wait timeout is automatically changed to 00300 (5 min.).

Large print jobs, such as those generated by graphics or computer-aided design applications, require timeouts of 00300 (5 min.).

Printer Configuration
