Hard Disks

Hard Disks

Use the Administration/Disk Operations menu to format the internal hard disk or connected hard disks.

See the Options manual for more information on installing external hard disks.

Caution: If you connect to this printer an external hard disk you previously used with an earlier QMS Crown printer (QMS 1660E, QMS 1725E, QMS 2025, or QMS 3225 ), this QMS 4060 Print System software release will automatically reorganize the files on the hard disk when the printer is turned back on again. (The printer release number is listed on both the start-up and the status page.) Once this reorganization is done, the files on the hard disk can no longer be accessed if the hard disk is reattached to an earlier QMS Crown printer.

This reorganization process takes time. If, when you first turn the printer on after attaching a previously used hard disk, it does not come on line immediately, be patient. Interrupting the reorganization process could cause all files on the hard disk to be lost.


QMS 4060 Print System Reference