
Script emulations for storing downloaded (soft) fonts, forms, or macros.

Menu Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem Emul Temp

Choices 00256-30720

Notes This value must be greater than the sum of the Min K Spool for all installed and enabled interfaces. Data in this client disappears when the printer is turned off.

Increasing this client’s size increases the number of PCL downloaded fonts which can be accepted.The maximum value listed depends on the amount of memory installed.

If you change the K Mem Emul Tmp value, the printer automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit from the Configuration menu.

Display List

The K Mem Display is the number of kilobytes of RAM dedicated to the display lists. The display list holds the intermediate representation of pages to be printed. Increasing the size of the Display List increases the number of pages that can be collated. The maximum number of pages that can be collated is 100 pages.

Menu Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem Display

Choices 00384-no maximum

Notes The maximum value listed depends on the amount of memory installed. If you change the K Mem Display value, the printer automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit from the configuration menu.

Printer Configuration
