Operator Control
The amount of space required for each job can vary between 200 and 250 bytes, so each 1 MB in the job accounting file will store information on 4,000 to 5,000 jobs.
If the selected value is greater than the current value, the file size is increased to reserve the extra space. If the value is smaller than the current file size, any empty job accounting files are moved. If only one file is used and it is not empty, it cannot be shrunk.
The Resetaccounting option erases the Accounting files and recreates them using the current file size. If this operation is selected when accounting is disabled, the files are removed but not recreated, thus saving disk space. The range of values is Yes and No. The default value is No.
This operation is also available as the resetaccount command for the admin user at a remote console. See the Remote Console User’s Guide documentation for more information on the resetaccount command.
When job files are more than 80% full but less than 100% full, the following message displays on the control panel and remote console:
xxxxxxxxFILE xxx% FULL
(xxx% is the percentage full, reported as 80%, 85%, 90%, or 95%.) This is an appropriate time to copy these files to floppies or to transfer them to your host computer using ftp if it is available to you. Then use the option to reset the accounting files to empty after they are copied to a floppy or to a host.
When the file is 100% full, the
message displays.
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