Special Pages

Working with Status Pages

Printing a status page is a two-step procedure: Identify the type of status page you want to print, and then print it.

Identifying a Status Page Type

Two types of status pages are available.

Menu Administration/Special Pages/Status Page Type

Choices Standard—Lists printer identification information, current memory configuration, timeouts, communication settings, input buffer sizes, and available fonts.

Advanced—Contains the same information as the standard status page as well as configuration menu settings, fonts, and downloaded emulations.

Default Standard

Printing a Status Page

After you have identified the type of status page to print, use the Status Page button on the printer control panel to print it.

»Note: If you choose an advanced status page but only a standard status page prints, the printer has run out of RAM. Either reallocate memory among the memory clients (see chapter 5, “Additional Technical Information,” ) or consider adding more memory to the printer.

Printing a Calibration Page

Prints a calibration page.

Menu Administration/Special Pages/Calibration Page

Choices Yes—Prints calibration page.

No—Calibration page will not be printed.


QMS 4060 Print System Reference