
Choices 00088-05120

Notes This memory setting can reduce the number of times a PostScript font must be converted from outline form to bitmap form, thus reducing processing time. The maximum value listed depends on the amount of memory installed.

If you change the K Mem for PS Fonts value, the printer automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit from the Configuration menu.


The K Mem Emulation, listed on the status page as Emulation, is the number of kilobytes of RAM to be used by non-PostScript emulations for temporary storage and for loading optional emulations.

Menu Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem Emulation

Choices 01024-no maximum

Notes If you receive an emulation error, you may need to increase the amount of memory for this client.The maximum value listed depends on the amount of memory installed.

If you change the K Mem Emulation value, the printer automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit from the configuration menu.

Emulation (Temporary)

The K Mem Emul Temp, listed on the status page as Emulation Tem- porary, is the number of kilobytes of RAM to be used by non-Post-


QMS 4060 Print System Reference