Operator Control


Copy Accounting Files to Host

Accounting files should be transferred to your host computer periodically to keep the printer from being overloaded with data and to allow you easy analysis of data.

Using the QMS Crown Printer Auditor (CPA) Utility

You can access the accounting files with the Windows-based QMS Crown Printer Auditor (CPA) utility on the QMS Software Utilities CD- ROM. Refer to the CPA on-line help for more information.

Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

»Note: FTP works only when the printer is off line and the message window displays IDLE. Use the ls command in the SYS:/admin directory to see which accounting files you are going to retrieve. The ls command is issued from a remote console. If multiple Job Accounting files are used, each of the ACCx.JOB files should be copied. (x is the number of each subsequent Job Accounting file.)

Use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) on the host, if a TCP/IP connection is available to the printer, to copy the files from the printer’s hard disk to the host as follows:

1Type ftp printer-name (where printer-name is either the IP address of the printer or its corresponding host name).

2If your printer has a DECnet-TCP/IP interface, follow these steps. Otherwise go to step 3.

a When prompted for a user id, enter admin as the user name and give the appropriate password, if required.

b At the ftp> prompt, type binto use binary mode for the download procedure.


QMS 4060 Print System Reference