Math, Math 8, Microsoft Pub, Pi Font, PS Text, Ventura Intl, Ventura Math, Ventura US, and Windows symbol sets cannot be used with the resident lineprinter bitmap fonts.
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5E/Symbol Set
Notes If a mismatch between symbol set and fonts occurs, the standard PCL font selection mechanism is used to locate a font that matches the selected symbol set. With the standard set of fonts distributed for your printer, this matches the Times* font, but other user- installed fonts could change this result.
Lines Per Inch
Sets the default lines printed per inch in PCL jobs, regardless of page size.
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5E/Lines/Inch x100
Choices | 100 to 4800 |
Default 0600
Notes You must enter the number of lines per inch times
100.For example, 6 lines per inch is entered as 0600; 6.6 lines per inch is entered as 0660.
Printer Configuration |