
Setting the Message Window Language

Status messages and configuration menus can be displayed in the message window in English, French, German, or Spanish.

Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Keypad Language

Choices English, French, German, Spanish

Default English

Notes The printer must be restarted for changes to the Keypad Language menu to take effect. You can either let the printer restart automatically after you save the change and exit from the Configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.

Clock Operations

This menu allows you to set the internal real-time clock and adjust its speed.

Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Clock Operations/ Set Clock

Choices Current Value: MON 20 JUL 1998 13:00:00 Enter Value:

Default Current time and date

Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Clock Operations/ Adjust Clock

Choices -155 SEC/MONTH to +155 SEC/MONTH

Default 0 SEC/MONTH

Printer Configuration
