

This chapter defines common terms used in the description of fonts and typefaces, and displays the printer’s resident typefaces.

About Typefaces and Fonts

Many of the terms and phrases used in desktop publishing are derived from the language of professional printers and typesetters. This section explains common words and phrases used when discussing typefaces.


Typeface Family

A named design of a set of

A group of similar typefaces.

printed characters, such as

For example, the Times

Times, that has a specified

typeface family consists of four

obliqueness (degree of slant)

typefaces: Times Roman, Times

and stroke weight (thickness of

Bold, Times Italic, and Times

stroke). It does not define a

Bold Italic.

particular size.





Character Set

A set of characters of the same

A collection of symbols

typeface (such as Times), style

designed for various printing

(such as italic), stroke weight

applications. Many character

(such as bold), and point size

sets are composed of the

(such as 10). Although you hear

letters (uppercase and

the term “font” used more

lowercase A-Z), digits (0-9),

generally, as if referring to a

and any symbol (such as blank

typeface, it’s really only a

space, dollar sign, and

member of a typeface family.

ampersand). Other character


sets are composed entirely of






QMS 4060 Print System Reference