
3Does your printer have any internal or external hard disks con- nected? If so, how many and what size? Disk Cache

4Which resident emulations will you be running? PS Heap or Emu- lation

5Will you be loading any nonresident emulations? If so, how many and which ones? Emulation and Emulation Temp

6How many printer ports will be connected? Host Input and Input Buffer

7Do you have an optional interface connected? Input Buffer

8How many people will be using this printer simultaneously? Host Input or K Mem for Spool

9How many downloadable fonts will you be using? What sizes? From which emulation? Font Cache or Emulation Temp

10Will you use many different sizes of fonts/typefaces? Font Cache

11How large are the files you typically print? How large is the largest file you’ll be printing? Host Input or K Mem for Spool

12Are most of your files text, or are any graphics intensive? Display List

13Will you want to download fonts, forms, or operators to memory? Font Cache or Emulation Temp

14Will you be collating documents? If so, how large and complex will these documents be? Display List

15What media sizes will you be using? Frame Buffer

16At which resolution will you be printing? Frame Buffer

17Will you use CrownCopy? ImageServer? CrownImage? Frame Buffer or Display List

After you have answered all of these questions, read the following sections to find out which memory clients control features you plan to use and which memory clients control features you don’t need.


QMS 4060 Print System Reference