Find related videos

Find videos from the same author or otherwise related to the one you selected.

On the video details screen (see Watch a YouTube video), do one of the following:

To view videos from the same author: Tap More > More from This Author.

To view related videos: Tap More > Related Videos.

Share a video

Send a friend a link to a YouTube video.

1On the video details screen (see Watch a YouTube video), tap Share.

2Tap Email or Text Message.

3Address and send the message.


You can add and listen to DRM-free music files on your smartphone. You can listen to music through the speaker on the back of your smartphone or through headphones (sold separately). If you have speakers or a stereo headset (both sold separately) that are equipped with Bluetooth® wireless technology, you can also use them to listen to music. You can also listen to streaming music from the web directly in the web browser (see Web).

KEY TERM DRM-free:A file that is not protected by Digital Rights Management. DRM-free music files can be copied as many times as you like and can be played on your Veer.

Get music onto your smartphone

To get music onto your smartphone, you can do any of the following:

Copy music files from your computer (see Copy files between your smartphone and your computer). You can copy music files to any folder on your smartphone’s USB drive. However, to make it easy to find and manage files, consider creating a “Music” folder and copy files to there.

Use solutions available from third-party software developers (sold separately) that facilitate the transfer of music files to your smartphone. For more information, open the browser on your computer and go to

Listen to music files received as email attachments (see Open email attachments).

Listen to music files received as part of a multimedia message (see Receive and view text and multimedia messages).

Buy music using the Amazon MP3 app (see Amazon MP3).

The following table lists music formats that you can play on your smartphone:

Table 5. Music formats playable on HP webOS smartphones


Play in Music/Copy to

Download from

Download from


USB storage













(see Note)



(see Note)

(see Note)


(see Note)


NOTE You can download and listen to MP3, WAV, and AMR files in Email, and you can download and listen to MP3 files in Messaging. Files you download from Email or Messaging are not saved to USB storage, and they are not listed in Music.

Chapter 9 : Photos, videos, and music


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HP Veer 4G (AT&T) Music, Find related videos, Share a video, Get music onto your smartphone, Tap Email or Text Message