For servers with Xeon MP processors:
–Ensure you order sufficient processors to maintain a supported configuration of two, four, or eight CPUs. Other quantities of CPUs (3, 5, 6, or 7) are not supported.
–The standard SMP Expansion Module must have four processors installed before the second one can be installed and used.
–Use part number 32P8340 for the second SMP Expansion Module. This module is “unpopulated” (that is, it does not have any CPUs or memory installed in it).
–The second SMP Expansion Module is supported only with four Xeon MP processors. Consequently, if you install the second one, the system must have eight CPUs after the installation.
–All Xeon MP processors must be identical for
For servers with Xeon DP processors:
–Each SMP Expansion Module must have two processors installed and those processor must be installed in CPU sockets 1 and 4.
–The standard SMP Expansion Module must have two Xeon DP processors installed before the second one can be installed and used.
–Use part number 71P7919 for the second SMP Expansion Module. This part number includes two 2.4 GHz Xeon DP processors.
–You can upgrade a Xeon DP model to have Xeon MP processors, but all Xeon DP CPUs must be removed. You cannot mix Xeon MP and Xeon DP processors in the same x440 system.
See 1.5, “SMP Expansion Module” on page 17 for more information on the SMP Expansion Modules.
3.1.2 Memory
The 16 sockets on each SMP Expansion Module are divided into two ports, and each port contains two banks:
Port 1:
–Bank 1 = DIMM connectors 1, 3, 5, 7
–Bank 3 = DIMM connectors 2, 4, 6, 8
Port 2:
–Bank 2 = DIMM connectors 9, 11, 13, 15
–Bank 4 = DIMM connectors 10, 12, 14, 16
Chapter 3. Planning 65