Chapter 3: Supported Reports and KPIs
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack 39
ForwardToVoiceMail Identifies a call forwarded to another destination by the original callee. In
this case, the destination is one of the VoiceMail extension number, defined
in the VoiceMailExtensionRange variable from the UBA.xml adaptor
configuration file.
Gatekeeper Buffer Utilization (percent) Percentage of a gatekeeper device's buffer space in use
Gatekeeper CPU Utilization (percent) (avg
last 5 mn)
CPU utilization percentage over the last 5 minutes measured
Gatekeeper Call Setup Quality (percent) Percentage of calls that have been set up successfully
Gatekeeper ICMP Inbound Errors (percent) Percentage of inbound ICMP packets which triggered errors
Gatekeeper ICMP Outbound Errors
Percentage of outbound ICMP packets which triggered errors
Gatekeeper Packet Errors (Nb) Total number of packet errors for a gatekeeper device
Gatekeeper Total Number of Admission
Rejects (Nb)
Total number of admission rejections
Gatekeeper Total Number of Admission
Requests (Nb)
Total number of gatekeeper admission requests
Gatekeeper Total Number of Concurrent
Calls (Nb) (Gauge)
Total number of concurrent calls for a gatekeeper device
Gatekeeper Total Number of Location
Rejects (Nb)
Total number of location reject messages sent and received by a gatekeeper
Gatekeeper Total Number of Location
Requests (Nb)
Total number of location requests sent and received by a gatekeeper device
Gatekeeper Total Number of Registered
EndPoints (Nb)
Total number of endpoints registered to a Cisco gatekeeper
Gatekeeper Total Packets (Nb) Total number of packets sent and received by this gatekeeper device
GatewayCallsActive Total number of currently active calls for the gateway resource or resources
H323CallsActive Total number of currently active H.323 calls for the resource or resources
H323CallsInProgress Total number of H.323 calls being established at the time of sampling
HuntlistCallsActive Total number of currently active huntlist calls
HuntlistCallsInProgress Total number of currently active huntlist calls
ICR Interval Conceal Ratio. The average concealment rate measured during the
last three seconds of speech
ICRmx Maximum conceal ratio during a call
Table 2: Key performance indicators
KPI Comment