ENGLISH | Changing display information |
Album title/performer or album name is enlarged.
Track title or track name is enlarged.
Icons Meanings
Album name icon
Track name icon
Playlist name icon
Album title (Tag) icon
Track title (Tag) icon
MP3 format
WMA format
Duplicating data into HDD
You can copy the data in the SD card into the HDD.
•While copying the data into the HDD, no sounds come out.
•It takes time to copy a data of much volume (about 5 minutes for 100 MB
is just an estimation). Actual time varies depending on the album configuration and the system condition.
•When you duplicate the data in the SD into the HDD, the HDD playback mode is cancelled (see page 68).
•While the following duplicating process:
–To return to the previous screens, press BACK (DISP) repeatedly.
–To cancel it, press and hold BACK (DISP).
Copying the current track