Lantronix Ethernet manual Wlan Country Setting, Syntax is SetZone IP address zone abbreviation

Models: Ethernet

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Updating Firmware

3.From the Tools menu, select Advanced/Recover Firmware. The Serial Port Firmware Upgrade window displays.

4.For Port on PC, enter the COM port on the PC that is connected to the serial port of the Lantronix unit.

5.For Device Model, be sure the appropriate WiBox device displays.

6.For Firmware File, click the Browse button and go to the location where the firmware file resides.

Note: Make sure the WiBox on which you are recovering firmware is connected to this selected port on your PC.

7.Click the OK button to download the file.

8.When prompted, reset the device. Status messages and a progress bar at the bottom of the screen show the progress of the file transfer. When the file transfer completes, the message “Successful, Click OK to Close” appears.

9.Click the OK button to complete this procedure.

Note For more information, see Recovering Firmware in the DeviceInstaller online Help.

WLAN Country Setting

Due to regulations, the country-specific setting has been removed from the setup menu and Web-Manager. However, we provide a separate utility for changing the Country/Zone setting. The utility is called SetZone and is included in the package. It is also available for download from the Lantronix web site.

The syntax is: SetZone <IP address> [<zone abbreviation>]

Leaving the zone blank causes the utility to report the current setting only. Following are valid zone abbreviations. These settings are consistent with IEEE802.11b/g zones:

US=United States





OT=Others, such as Europe (excluding France), Asia, Africa, and Australia

WiBox2100E User Guide


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Lantronix Ethernet manual Wlan Country Setting, Syntax is SetZone IP address zone abbreviation