Lantronix Ethernet manual Later, there is only one setting for

Models: Ethernet

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Cannot establish an Ad Hoc

Ad Hoc network is not enabled in

Enable Ad Hoc network. Set Ad



network connection to the

the WiBox.

Hoc Network Name (IBSS) to





match. These are case-sensitive.



Note: With 6.x.x.x firmware and









later, there is only one setting for

Infrastructure Network Name

Set the Infrastructure Network



Network Name; it is the same for

(SSID) is set blank or different

Name (SSID) to the same name



both Infrastructure and Ad Hoc

from the Ad Hoc name and the

as the Ad Hoc name.






WiBox is associated to





Infrastructure Network










The IP address is not set or not

Verify the IP address is set and in




in same subnet as other Ad Hoc

the same subnet for each Ad Hoc




PCs or the WiBox.









Cannot ping or connect to the

The DHCP server is not

Contact the Network



WiBox DHCP name.

automatically setting the DHCP

Administrator to add the WiBox to




name in DNS on the network.

DNS manually.








When you issue the ARP –S

Your user login does not have

Have your IT department log you



command in Windows, The ARP

the right to use this command on

in with sufficient rights.



entry addition failed: 5 message

this PC.














When you attempt to assign an

The ARP method only creates a

Telnet back to Port 1. Wait for it to



IP address to the unit by the

temporary password. When you

fail, then Telnet to port 9999



ARP method and Telnet to the

Telnet to port 1, the connection

again. Make sure you press Enter



device server through port 1, the

should fail. When you Telnet into

within 5 seconds.



connection fails.

port 9999 and do not press Enter





quickly, the device server





reboots, causing it to lose the IP














When you Telnet to port 9999,

To enter Setup Mode via Telnet,

Telnet to port 9999 again and



the Press Enter to go into Setup

the Enter key must be pressed

press Enter as soon as you see



Mode message displays.

within 5 seconds.

the Press Enter to go into Setup



However, nothing happens when


Mode message.



you press Enter, or your





connection is closed.










When you Telnet to port 1 to

You may have entered the

Confirm that the Ethernet address



assign an IP address to the

Ethernet address incorrectly with

that you entered with the ARP



device server, the Telnet window

the ARP command.

command is correct. The Ethernet



does not respond for a long time.


address must only include





numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. In





Windows and usually in Unix, the





segments of the Ethernet address





are separated by dashes. In some





forms of Unix, the Ethernet





address is segmented with












WiBox2100E User Guide


Page 83
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Lantronix Ethernet manual Later, there is only one setting for