Lantronix Ethernet manual Syntax is SetZone IP address zone abbreviation

Models: Ethernet

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Quick Start

Two settings are required for the WiBox to communicate on a wireless network:

‹The Server (0) settings

‹The WLAN (4) settings

Current settings display in parentheses.

Note: Due to regulations, the country-specific setting has been removed from the setup menu and Web-Manager. We provide a separate utility for changing the Country/Zone setting. The utility is called SetZone and is included in the WiBox package. It is also available for download from the Lantronix web site.

The syntax is SetZone <IP address> [<zone abbreviation>]

Leaving the zone blank causes the utility to report the current setting only. Following are valid zone abbreviations. These settings are consistent with IEEE802.11b/g zones:

US=United States





OT=Others, such as Europe (excluding France), Asia, Africa, and Australia

6.To configure the Server settings, select 0 from the Change Setup menu and edit the following fields:

a)IP Address: The IP address must be set to a unique value in the network. Enter each octet and press Enter between each section.

IP Address: IP Address : ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) _

b)Set Gateway IP Address: The gateway address should be the IP address of the router connected to the same LAN segment as the WiBox unit.

Set Gateway IP Address (N) ? Y Gateway IP addr ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 0)_

c)Netmask: A netmask defines the number of bits taken from the IP address that are assigned for the host part.

Netmask: Number of Bits for Host Part (0=default)(0)_

d)Change Telnet Configuration Password: Change the Telnet configuration password to prevent unauthorized access to the Change Setup menu and Web-Manager.

Change telnet config password (N) ? _

e)Change DHCP Device Name: Change the DHCP name if the network is DHCP-enabled.

Change DHCP device name (not set) ? (N) N

Enter new DHCP device name :

7.To modify WLAN settings, select 4 WLAN from the Change Setup menu and edit the following fields:

a)Enable WLAN: Enable the Ethernet or the Wireless interface. When WLAN is enabled, the Ethernet interface is disabled.

Enable WLAN (Y) ? _

WiBox2100E User Guide


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Lantronix Ethernet manual Syntax is SetZone IP address zone abbreviation