Lantronix Ethernet Viewing the Current Configuration, To view the WiBox’s configuration settings

Models: Ethernet

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Quick Start

a)Click the Start button on the Task Bar and select Run.

b)Enter your CD drive letter, colon, backslash, deviceinstaller.exe (e.g., E:\deviceinstaller.exe).

2.Click the DeviceInstaller button. The installation wizard window displays.

3.Respond to the installation wizard prompts. (When prompted to select an installation type, select Typical.)

4.Once DeviceInstaller has been installed, follow the instructions in DeviceInstaller’s online Help to assign the IP address and view the current configuration.

5.To configure the WiBox further, continue onto 4: Web-Manageror 5: Telnet or Serial Port (Setup Mode) Configuration.

Viewing the Current Configuration

After locating the WiBox as described in DeviceInstaller Help, you can view its current configuration.

To view the WiBox’s configuration settings:

1.In the right window, click the Device Details tab. The current WiBox configuration displays:


A name to identify the WiBox. Double-click the field, type the


value, and press Enter to complete. This name is not visible


on other PCs or laptops using DeviceInstaller.




A group to categorize the WiBox. Double-click the field, type


the value, and press Enter to complete. This group name is


not visible on other PCs or laptops using DeviceInstaller.




Comments about the WiBox. Double-click the field, type the


value, and press Enter to complete. This description or


comment is not visible on other PCs or laptops using





Device Family

Displays the WiBox’s device family type as Wireless.




Displays the device type as WiBox.




Displays the WiBox’s ID embedded within the box.



Hardware Address

Displays the WiBox’s hardware (or MAC) address.



Firmware Version

Displays the firmware currently installed on the WiBox.



Extended Firmware

Displays the firmware currently installed on the WiBox.





Online Status

Displays the WiBox’s status as online, offline, unreachable


(the WiBox is on a different subnet), or busy (the WiBox is


currently performing a task).



Telnet Enabled

Displays True if the unit can be accessed using Telnet.



Telnet Port

Displays the unit's port for Telnet sessions.



Web Enabled

Displays True if the unit can be accessed using Web-





WiBox2100E User Guide


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Lantronix Ethernet manual Viewing the Current Configuration, To view the WiBox’s configuration settings