Lantronix Ethernet manual Send the Escape Sequence +++ in Modem Mode, Auto Increment Source Port

Models: Ethernet

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Setup Mode: Channel Configuration

If this sequence is not followed, the unit remains in data transfer mode.




7-6. Modem Mode Commands






Modem Mode












ATDTx.x.x.x,pppp or


Makes a connection to an IP address (x.x.x.x) and a remote port




number (pppp).








Makes a connection to an IP address (x.x.x.x) and the remote port



number defined within the unit.











Forces the unit into Monitor Mode if a remote IP address and port



number are defined within the unit.











Forces the unit into Monitor Mode if a remote IP address and port



number are not defined within the unit.











Makes a connection to an IP address (x.x.x.x) and the remote port



number defined within the unit.











Hangs up the connection (Entered as +++ATH ).








Enables or disables connections from the network going to the serial








n=0 disables the ability to make a connection from the network to




the serial port.




n=1-9 enables the ability to make a connection from the network to




the serial port.




n>1-9 is invalid.








Enables or disables character echo and responses.




n=0 disables character echo and responses.




n=1 enables character echo and responses.








Enables numeric response or full verbose.




n=0 enables numeric response.




n=1 enables full verbose.





Note: The unit recognizes these AT commands as single commands such as ATE0 or ATV1; it does not recognize compound commands such as ATE0V.

Send the Escape Sequence (+++) in Modem Mode

Send ‘+++’ in Modem Mode (Y) ? _

Disable or enable the WiBox’s ability to send the escape sequence. The default setting is Y (Yes) (send the escape sequence).

Auto Increment Source Port

Auto increment source port (N) ? _

Y (Yes) auto increment the source port. The WiBox increments the port number used with each new connection.

WiBox2100E User Guide


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Image 59
Lantronix Ethernet Send the Escape Sequence +++ in Modem Mode, Auto Increment Source Port, Modem Mode Function Command