Lantronix Ethernet Hostlist Configuration, To configure the WiBox’s hostlist, Http Server Port

Models: Ethernet

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Web-Manager Configuration

CPU Performance Mode

Select the WiPort’s performance mode. Higher performance


settings require more energy. Low is 26 Mhz. Regular is 48


Mhz; High is 88 Mhz. The default is Regular.



HTTP Server Port

This option allows the configuration of the web server port


number. The valid range is 1-65535. The default HTTP server


port number is 80.



MTU Size

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the largest physical


packet size a network can transmit for TCP and UDP. Enter


between 512 and 1400 bytes. The default setting is 1400





3.When you are finished, click the OK button.

4.On the main menu, click Apply Settings.

Hostlist Configuration

The WiBox scrolls through the hostlist until it connects to a device listed in the hostlist table. After a successful connection, the unit stops trying to connect to any others. If this connection fails, the unit continues to scroll through the table in sequence until the next successful connection.

The hostlist supports a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 12 entries. Each entry contains an IP address and a port number.

Note: The hostlist is disabled for Manual and Modem Mode. The unit will not accept a data connection from a remote device when the hostlist option is enabled.

To configure the WiBox’s hostlist:

1.From the main menu, click the Hostlist tab.

Figure 4-4. Hostlist Settings

2. Enter or modify the following fields from the Hostlist Settings window:

WiBox2100E User Guide


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Lantronix Ethernet manual Hostlist Configuration, To configure the WiBox’s hostlist, CPU Performance Mode, Http Server Port