Lantronix Ethernet manual Wlan Configuration, To configure the WiBox’s Wlan settings

Models: Ethernet

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Web-Manager Configuration






Remote Host

Enter the IP address of the remote device.





Device Address Table

This table is enabled when Datagram Type is set to FD. Enter



values in the range 1-255 to identify units on the local network



of device servers.





3.When you are finished, click the OK button.

4.On the main menu, click Apply Settings.

WLAN Configuration

Without adequate protection, a wireless LAN is susceptible to access by unauthorized users.

The WiBox WLAN Settings menu permits the following actions:

‹Configuration of the wireless network profile available for activation

‹Configuration of the wireless network security settings

‹Configuration of advanced settings such as radio power management

Note: Due to regulations, the country-specific setting has been removed from the setup menu and Web-Manager. However, we provide a separate utility for changing the Country/Zone setting. The utility is called SetZone and is included in the WiBox package. It is also available for download from the Lantronix web site.

The syntax is SetZone <IP address> [<zone abbreviation>]

Leaving the zone blank causes the utility to report the current setting only. Following are valid zone abbreviations. These settings are consistent with IEEE802.11b/g zones:

US=United States





OT=Others, such as Europe (excluding France), Asia, Africa, and Australia

To configure the WiBox’s WLAN settings:

1. Select WLAN from the main menu to open the WLAN Settings window.

WiBox2100E User Guide


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Image 41
Lantronix Ethernet manual Wlan Configuration, To configure the WiBox’s Wlan settings, Device Address Table