Lexmark W850 manual AppleTalk menu, NetWare menu

Models: W850

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Understanding printer menus


AppleTalk menu

This menu is available from the Network/Ports menu:

Network/Ports > Standard Network or Network <x> > Std Network Setup or Net <x> Setup > AppleTalk


Menu item




Activates AppleTalk support



Note: Yes is the factory default setting.








View Name

Shows the assigned AppleTalk name



Note: The name can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.





View Address

Shows the assigned AppleTalk address



Note: The address can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.





Set Zone

Provides a list of AppleTalk zones available on the network


<list of zones available on the

Note: The default setting is the default zone for the network. If no default



zone exists, the zone marked with an * is the default setting.




NetWare menu

This menu is available from the Network/Ports menu:

Network/Ports > Standard Network or Network <x> > Std Network Setup or Net <x> Setup > NetWare


Menu item







Activates NetWare support



Note: No is the factory default setting.








View Login Name

Lets you view the assigned NetWare login name



Note: This can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.





Print Mode

Lets you view the assigned NetWare print mode



Note: This can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.





Network Number

Lets you view the assigned NetWare network number



Note: This can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.





Select SAP Frames

Enables the Ethernet frame type setting


Ethernet 802.2

Note: On is the factory default setting for all menu items.


Ethernet 802.3



Ethernet Type II



Ethernet SNAP






Packet Burst

Reduces network traffic by allowing the transfer and acknowledgement of



multiple data packets to and from the NetWare server



Note: Yes is the factory default setting.




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Lexmark W850 manual AppleTalk menu, NetWare menu