IP Environment Setup (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

3.If desired, you can specify a name for this STB so that it is easy to identify and differentiate from other STBs/TVs for which sharing has been enabled.

To edit the STB name (default: STB’s serial number), use the Up/ Down arrow keys to select the TV Name field, and then press OK. You can then use the number keys on the Installer Remote to direct enter a numeric STB name, or you can use the arrow keys to select the appropriate alphanumeric character(s) from the pop-up virtual keyboard at the bottom of the screen. When you are done, select Enter from the virtual keyboard, and then press OK on the Installer Remote.

4.Once all fields are completed as required, use the arrow keys on the Installer Remote to return to the IP Environment Menu, as

necessary, or press to return to the Network Menu and/or exit the IP Environment Menu.

Note: While Smart Share, Screen Share, and DMR settings are clonable, SoftAP settings, as well as the STB name, cannot be cloned.

Pre-loaded Applications

This option allows you to select which of the pre-loaded application icons to make available in the STB’s Smart Launcher, which appears along the bottom of the display panel screen.

When the Pro:Centric application is disabled, the Smart Launcher is available to end users via the PORTAL button on the remote control. Depending on the remote control being used, the Smart Launcher may also be available to end users via a SMART button.

1.With the IP Environment Menu on display, use the arrow keys on the Installer Remote to select Pre-loaded Apps. Then, press OK.

2.In the Pre-loaded Apps screen, a list of available application options is displayed. Use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight each application you wish to select or de-select, and press OK on the Installer Remote. When an application is selected, a checkmark is displayed at the left of the application name.

Note: Though not included in the application list on this screen, all Screen Share applications are available in the Smart Launcher once they are enabled in the Media Share screen. See “Media Share Setup” on the previous page.

3.When you are done selecting the pre-loaded application icons to be displayed in the Smart Launcher, as required, use the arrow keys on the Installer Remote to return to the IP Environment Menu, as necessary, or press to exit the IP Environment Menu.













Pre-loaded Apps
















