3.Press to DISTANCEENT. Press or to change the first character, then press to the next character and repeat until the distance is cor- rect. Press ENT.

4.Press to BEARINGENT. Press or to change the first character, then press to the next character and repeat until the bearing is cor- rect. Press ENT.

5.Press to PROJECTENT. The Edit Waypoint menu appears. You can simply save the new projected waypoint by pressing EXITEXIT or you can edit the waypoint. (Press EXITENT if you want to immediately be- gin navigating to the new waypoint.)

Select a Waypoint

To select a waypoint on the map (for navigating to, for editing, etc.,) use the arrow keys and center the cursor over the waypoint. A highlighted halo will appear around the waypoint.

Delete a Waypoint

To delete a waypoint: press FINDENTto NAMEENTENTto way- point nameENTto DELETEENTto YESENT. To return to the pre- vious page, press EXITEXIT.

Edit a Waypoint

Waypoint Name

To edit waypoint name: press FINDENTto NAMEENTENTto way- point nameENTto DELETEENTto YESENT. To return to the pre- vious page, press EXITEXIT.

Waypoint Symbol

To edit waypoint symbol: 1. Press FINDENTto NAMEENTENTto waypoint nameENTto EDIT SYMBOLENT. 2. Use arrow keys to select desired symbol and press ENT. To return to the previous page, press EXITEXITEXIT.

Waypoint Position

To edit waypoint position: 1. Press FINDENTto NAMEENTENTto waypoint nameENTto EDIT POSITIONENT.

2.Latitude: press ENT, then press or to change the first character, then press to the next character and repeat until the latitude is cor- rect. Press EXIT.

3.Longitude: press ENT, then press or to change the first charac- ter, then press to the next character and repeat until the latitude is correct. Press EXIT.


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Lowrance electronic Mapping GPS & MP3 Player manual Waypoint Position