3.Press ↑ to DISTANCEENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the distance is cor- rect. Press ENT.
4.Press ↑ to BEARINGENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the bearing is cor- rect. Press ENT.
5.Press ↓ to PROJECTENT. The Edit Waypoint menu appears. You can simply save the new projected waypoint by pressing EXITEXIT or you can edit the waypoint. (Press EXITENT if you want to immediately be- gin navigating to the new waypoint.)
Select a Waypoint
To select a waypoint on the map (for navigating to, for editing, etc.,) use the arrow keys and center the cursor over the waypoint. A highlighted halo will appear around the waypoint.
Delete a Waypoint
To delete a waypoint: press FINDENT↓ to NAMEENTENT↓ to way- point nameENT→ to DELETEENT← to YESENT. To return to the pre- vious page, press EXITEXIT.
Edit a Waypoint
Waypoint Name
To edit waypoint name: press FINDENT↓ to NAMEENTENT↓ to way- point nameENT→ to DELETEENT← to YESENT. To return to the pre- vious page, press EXITEXIT.
Waypoint Symbol
To edit waypoint symbol: 1. Press FINDENT↓ to NAMEENTENT↓ to waypoint nameENT→ to EDIT SYMBOLENT. 2. Use arrow keys to select desired symbol and press ENT. To return to the previous page, press EXITEXITEXIT.
Waypoint Position
To edit waypoint position: 1. Press FINDENT↓ to NAMEENTENT↓ to waypoint nameENT→ to EDIT POSITIONENT.
2.Latitude: press ENT, then press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the latitude is cor- rect. Press EXIT.
3.Longitude: press ↓ENT, then press ↑ or ↓ to change the first charac- ter, then press → to the next character and repeat until the latitude is correct. Press EXIT.