Marathon Monitors Inc.
| AL | Alarm configuration | Values |
The controller contains four ‘soft’ alarms, which are configured in this list. Once configured,
they can be attached to a physical output as described in the alarm relay configuration list, ‘AA Conf’.
AL1 | Alarm 1 Type | see Table A |
| |
Ltch | Latching | no YES Evnt mAn | * | ||
| / | / | / | |
bLoc | Blocking | no/YES |
AL2 | Alarm 2 Type | see Table A |
| |
Ltch | Latching | no YES Evnt mAn | * | ||
| / | / | / | |
bLoc | Blocking | no/YES |
AL3 | Alarm 3 Type | see Table A |
| |
Ltch | Latching | no YES Evnt mAn | * | ||
| / | / | / | |
bLoc | Blocking | no/YES |
AL4 | Alarm 4 Type | see Table A |
| |
Ltch | Latching | no YES Evnt mAn | * | ||
| / | / | / | |
bLoc | Blocking (not if ‘AL4’ = ‘rAt’) | no/YES |
Table A - Alarm types |
| |
Value | Alarm type |
OFF | No alarm |
FSL | PV Full scale low |
FSH | PV Full scale high |
dEv | PV Deviation band |
dHi | PV Deviation high |
dLo | PV Deviation low |
LCr | Load Current low |
HCr | Load Current high |
FL2 | Input 2 Full Scale low |
FH2 | Input 2 Full Scale high |
LOP | Working Output low |
HOP | Working Output high |
LSP | Working Setpoint low |
HSP | Working Setpoint high |
rAt | PV Rate of change |
| AL4 only |
Alarm Modes
‘no’ means that the alarm will be non-latching.
‘YES’ means that the alarm will be latched, with automatic resetting. Automatic resetting means that if a reset is actioned before the alarm has cleared, then it will automatically reset when it clears
AACC 2000 Carbon | 73 | Nov. 1, 1997 |