Marathon Monitors Inc.
Name | Description | Values | Meaning |
LA | Digital input 1 configuration |
| Action on contact closure |
id | Identity | LoG.i | Logic input |
Func | Function of input | nonE | No function |
| The function is active | mAn | Manual mode select |
| when the input has a contact | rmt | Remote setpoint select |
| closure to the common | SP.2 | Setpoint 2 select |
| terminal - LC | Pid.2 | PID set 2 select |
| ti H | Integral hold |
| tunE | |
| drA | Adaptive tune enable |
| Ac.AL | Acknowledge alarms |
| AccS | Select Full access level |
| Loc.b | Keylock |
| uP | Simulate pressing of the |
| button |
| dwn | Simulate pressing of the |
| button |
| ScrL | Simulate pressing of the |
| button |
| PAGE | Simulate pressing of the |
| button |
| These BCD inputs are used to | bcd.1 | Least significant BCD digit |
| select either a program number | bcd.2 | 2nd BCD digit |
| or the setpoint number | bcd.3 | 3rd BCD digit |
| according to the setting of the | bcd.4 | 4th BCD digit |
| parameter ‘bcd’ in the ‘inSt’ | bcd.5 | 5th BCD digit |
| configuration list | bcd.6 | Most significant BCD digit |
| Stby | Standby - ALL control outputs |
| turned OFF (alarm Outputs are |
| not affected) |
| PV.SL | PV Select: |
| Closed = PV1 / Open = PV2 |
| IMP | Initiate Impedance test |
Digital input 2 configuration

Action on contact closure
As per Digital input 1 configuration
AACC 2000 Carbon | 74 | Nov. 1, 1997 |