Your McAfee Internet Security To-do List
nImprove your Internet browsing experience by preventing ads and
nShield younger family members from distasteful or undesirable content.
Users of the Internet, at all age levels can exposed to inappropriate Web site content. A simple typographical error in the text box of your favorite search engine could return graphic gore, rather than cartoons; or pornography, rather than recipes.
Therefore, when possible, configure your software to enable parental controls and block access to inappropriate content. Here are a few tips.
MScan site content ratings and vocabulary.
Identify the content that you want to allow the user to view; filter and scan for inappropriate vocabulary. If the user is
MBlock access to specific Web sites, Proxy sites, and Newsgroups.
If there is a specific Web site or proxy site that you do not want a user or family to have access to, configure the user's profile as such.
Newsgroups may also be a source for undesirable content. When possible, identify the specific Newsgroup that you want to explicitly block or allow access to and update the user's profile.
nBlock access to specific programs.
If there are any programs that you do not want to allow a user or family member to use, block the user's ability to start the program.
nLimit the time a user may access the Internet.
Designate a specific time of day that you will allow a user or family member the ability to connect to the Internet. Modify each user profile as necessary.
nAnd clean up when you are finished!
Configure your software to remove all files associated with browsing the Internet. You can configure the program to remove cookies as you close your Internet browser.
Product Guide 113