Troubleshooting hints

Cosa fare in caso di anomalie

En caso de problemas

19. Troubleshooting hints

Ca= Canon System; using the mecablitz with SCA 3102 adapter

Mi= Minolta System; using the mecablitz with SCA 3302 adapter

Ni= Nikon System; using the mecablitz with SCA 3402 adapter

Pe= Pentax System; using the mecablitz with SCA 3702 adapter

Should the LC display indicate meaningless informa- tion or should the flashgun not work properly in the individual modes, then proceed as follows:

Switch off the flashgun by its main switch.

Remove the batteries.

Switch on the flashgun for approximately 1 second and then switch it off again.

Reload the used or new batteries.

Second-curtain synchronisation (REAR mode) cannot be set on the mecablitz.

Second-curtain synchronisation (REAR) can only be set on the mecablitz if the latter is fitted with a suitable SCA 3xx2 adapter (see SCA Adapter Operating Instruc- tions) and is mounted on the switched-on camera. Data exchange between camera and SCA adapter must have taken place at least once (simply tap the camera release lightly without tripping the shutter). The camera must be able to support second-curtain synchronisation (see Camera and SCA Adapter Opera- ting Instructions)!

(Ni): The Nikon 3D flash mode has been activated on the mecablitz and the symbol is indicated on the display. The Nikon 3D flash mode cannot be combined with second-curtain synchronisation (REAR mode). Remedy: First deactivate the 3D mode, then switch on REAR.

(Ni): The pre-flash function to diminish the red-eye effect has been activated on the Nikon camera and the symbol is indicated on the LC-display. The pre- flash function cannot be combined with second-curtain synch (REAR mode).

Remedy: First deactivate the red-eye pre-flash func- tion on the camera, then select REAR mode.

(Mi): With Minolta cameras, second-curtain synchroni- sation (REAR mode) must always be set on the came- ra! The mecablitz does not indicate the synchronisation mode! Refer to the camera's operating instructions to


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Metz 54 MZ-3 operating instructions Troubleshooting hints, En caso de problemas, Cosa fare in caso di anomalie