Metz A-Remote mode

Metz a distanza senza cavi in Modo Auto

Funcionamiento Remoto A de Metz

diness simultaneously If a slave does not respond by firing a delayed flash, then this means that the sensor in the adapter did not receive the light pulse. Turn the sen- sor in the direction of the controller and repeat the pro- cedure described in step 4.

A particularly short distance between controller and slave unit may cause the camera’s electro- nic system to cut off the flash before the slave has received its light pulse. In such an event widen the distance between the controller and slave or select a higher f-number and repeat procedure No. 4.

Deactivating the Metz TTL remote mode

Press the Mode button on the controller and deactivate the controller mode with the setting disk.

On the slave:

Switch off the flash unit, remove the SCA 3082 slave adapter, and finally switch on the flash unit again.

7.2Metz cordless auto remote mode

The introduction of Chapter 7 also applies here.

The Metz auto remote mode can be used with system, standard, old mechanical and medium- format cameras. The only precondition is that all cameras feature a synch contact/socket and that the flash unit is equipped with an SCA 301 standard foot or SCA adapter.

Setting procedure for the Metz auto remote control- ler mode:

Equip the mecablitz with an SCA adapter or the SCA 301 standard foot, and switch on.

Switch the camera to manual mode as described in the camera’s operating instructions.

Automatic flash mode or auto remote flash mode are not supported by all cameras in con- junction with an SCA adapter (see operating instructions of the camera and the SCA adapter). If a camera, in combination with an SCA adapter, does not support the automatic flash mode, then equip the mecablitz with the SCA 301 standard foot. In this event do not forget to manually transfer the camera settings (ISO, f-stop and zoom position) to the mecablitz!


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Metz 54 MZ-3 Metz cordless auto remote mode, Metz A-Remote mode, Deactivating the Metz TTL remote mode, On the slave