Troubleshooting hints

Cosa fare in caso di anomalie

En caso de problemas

establish whether REAR mode is possible with the given camera, and how to proceed.

TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation (HSS) can- not be set on the mecablitz.

TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation (HSS) is current- ly only possible with the mecablitz 54 MZ-3!

TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation (HSS) can only be set on the mecablitz if the latter is fitted with a sui- table SCA 3xx2 adapter (see SCA Adapter Operating Instructions) and is mounted on the switched-on camera. Data exchange between camera and SCA adapter must have taken place at least once (simply tap the camera's release button lightly without tripping the shutter). The camera must be able to support TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation in the selected flash mode (Manual M or TTL) (see Camera and SCA Adapter Operating Instructions)!

TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation (HSS) cannot be combined with the Metz cordless remote flash system.

Depending upon the given camera system, TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisa-tion (HSS) can be activated on the mecablitz 54 MZ-3 in the M manual flash mode (Ca, Mi, Ni) or in the TTL mode (Ca, Mi)!

NOTE: To activate TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisa- tion (HSS) ensure that the secondary reflector of the mecablitz is not switched on!

(Mi): TTL (E-TTL) high-speed synchronisation (HSS) is not possible when the main reflector is swivelled or til- ted. The shutter speed is limited to the camera's flash synch speed. The display (H) for TTL (E-TTL) high- speed synchronisation (HSS) is extinguished in the camera's viewfinder!

(Ni): The 3D mode cannot be set on the mecablitz when in TTL mode.

REAR mode has been set on the mecablitz and "REAR" is indicated on the display.

Remedy: First switch on REAR mode and then 3D mode.

The mecablitz must be fitted with the SCA 3402 adap- ter. The 3D TTL mode can only be set on the mecablitz if it is mounted on a switched-on camera that supports the 3D mode. Data exchange between camera and SCA adapter must have taken place at least once (sim- ply tap the camera release lightly without tripping the shutter).

The 3D TTL mode is not supported if the mecablitz is


Page 102
Image 102
Metz 54 MZ-3 Remedy First switch on Rear mode and then 3D mode, 102, 3D TTL mode is not supported if the mecablitz is