Using the PagePro 1100 Printer Driver Setup Dialog
Details of N-up
Click Details of
Horz. Ascending
This setting prints the first document page in the upper left corner of the sheet, the second page to the right of the first, and so on. The first document page of each subsequent row is located on the left side of the sheet, underneath the first page of the preceding row.
Horz. Descending
This setting prints the first document page in the upper right corner of the sheet, the second page to the left of the first, and so on. The first document page of each subsequent row is located on the right side of the sheet, underneath the first page of the preceding row.
Vert. Ascending
This setting prints the first document page in the upper left corner of the sheet, the second page underneath the first, and so on. The first document page of each subsequent col- umn is located at the top of the sheet, to the right of the first page of the preceding column.
Printer Driver Chapter 4
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