Printer Driver Chapter 4
Using the PagePro 1100 Printer Driver Setup Dialog
Click this button to delete the watermark whose name is cur- rently highlighted in the Watermarks list. Note that the delete operation is performed as soon as you click the Delete but- ton, and that the delete operation cannot be undone. Because of this, you should make sure you really no longer need the highlighted watermark before clicking this button.
Watermark Name
Type in up to 72 characters for the name you want to assign to the watermark whose current name is highlighted in the Watermarks list.
Type in up to 72 characters for the content of the watermark. Note that inputting a string that is too long to fit on the page causes the ends of the string to be cut off.
Use this setting to set the relative darkness of the watermark as 10% (lightest), 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% (darkest).
Check one or both of the boxes to specify Italic and/or Bold for the watermark.
Use these settings to specify the typeface and point size of the watermark text.
Use these settings to specify the angle of the watermark on the paper. Selecting User Set undims the angle setting box, which you can use to specify an angle value.
Use these settings to specify the vertical and horizontal positioning of the watermark on the paper. Selecting User Set undims the Horizontal and Vertical boxes, which you can use to specify relative positions off of the vertical and hori- zontal center points.
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