A graphic image on the screen that represents an element.
image transfer roller
The part inside a page printer that transfers the image from the photoconductive drum to the paper.
laser printer
manual feed tray
An external bay for loading paper into the printer manually.
N-up printing
A series of printer settings that produces multiple, reduced documents on one sheet of paper.
off line
A state in which the printer cannot receive data or perform any other operation.
on line
A state in which the printer can receive data and operate.
operating system
A program or group of programs that control the functions of the computer and its peripheral devices such as the printer.
paper basis weight
The standard for specifying paper weight. The metric standard, applicable to all grades of paper is gm/m2. The U.S. system for basis weight varies according to the grade of paper and is based upon a 500 sheet ream. The measurement of weight in the U.S. is pounds.
paper feed roller
A rolling mechanism that carries the paper through the various functions of the printer during the printing process.
Glossary Appendix A
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