DOS Printing Utilities
Status Display Screen
The following describes each of the buttons and the commands on the Status Display Setup menu.
Set Display Mode Command (Setup Menu)
In the dialog that appears when you execute this command, click the checkbox next to the Enable Popup setting to toggle popup error mes- sages on (checked) and off (unchecked). When this feature is turned on, a dialog box will appear to alert you whenever an error condition occurs.
•When a popup error message occurs, correct the problem and then click OK.
•You can control which error conditions cause popup error messages to appear by using the procedure under “Change Popup Message Command” below.
Change Hot Key Command (Setup Menu)
The dialog that appears when you execute this command shows the current hot key combination that launches the Status Display. While the dialog is open, you can change the hot key combination by pressing the key you want to change.
Printer Driver Chapter 4
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