The battery seems to run down | Accessory devices such as a DVD | Use AC power when possible and/ |
very quickly (lasting less than | player and applications that make | or turn off the accessory devices. |
three hours after a full charge). | heavy use of the hard drive drain |
| the battery more quickly. |
| The battery is weakening or | All batteries weaken over time, but |
| defective. | if a new battery is needed, visit the |
| Motion website to order a new |
| battery. |
The desktop is too big for the | Screen resolution is set higher | Decrease the screen resolution by |
display – I can’t see all of the | than the default 1024 x 768 with | opening the Motion Dashboard, |
desktop icons. | selecting Graphics Properties, | |
| then the Schemes tab. |
When I disconnected a second | The Tablet Client has attempted to | 1. Tap the Properties button on the |
monitor from the Tablet Client, the | spread the image of a window or | Motion Dashboard. |
image became too big for the | desktop beyond the screen area | 2. Tap Graphics Options, then |
Tablet Client display. | of the active monitor. | Graphics Properties... to open the |
| Properties screen. |
| 3. Select Notebook to make the |
| Tablet Client the primary display. |
The display looks dim. | Brightness is set too low. | Adjust brightness from the Motion |
| Dashboard. |
The screen is unreadable or | Screen resolution and/or color | Reset resolution to 1024 x 768 |
distorted. | quality are set incorrectly. | and color quality to |
| opening the Motion Dashboard, |
| Graphics Properties, then the |
| Schemes tab. |
| Display driver has become | 1. Open the Windows Control |
| corrupted or uninstalled. | Panel, select Performance |
| and Maintenance (Category |
| View). or System (Classic |
| View). |
| 2. Select the Hardware tab. |
| 3. Select Device Manager. |
| 4. Open Display adapters. |
| 5. |
| 6. Select the Driver tab. |
| 7. Choose Update Driver... and |
| follow the Installation Wizard. |
The Tablet Client digitizer screen | You’re using the wrong input | Only the Motion Digitizer Pen lets |
doesn’t respond to the plastic | device. | you write on the Tablet Client |
stylus I use on my PDA. |
| display. The Tablet Client doesn’t |
| respond to other tablet pens or to |
| a plastic stylus. |