Hardware Troubleshooting
IP Issues
IP Issues
Table 26 • IP Issues and Recommended Solutions
Issue | Possible Cause | Recommended Solution |
The printer shows | IP address is a | Enter a valid static IP address. |
IP address | default address. The printer shows | OR |, which | this address after it times out while | Set IP Protocol to All. |
does not appear to | trying to connect. The printer was |
work. | likely set to an incorrect static IP |
| address. |
| The DHCP server is not | Check the DHCP server. |
| functioning, so a dynamic IP |
| address is not being assigned. The |
| printer timed out and shows the |
| default IP address of |
| |
On my control panel, | Actual IP settings (IP Resolution, | 1. Allow more time for the printer to |
the IP settings are | IP Address, Subnet Mask, and | complete its connection and obtain an |
missing or show all | Default Gateway) will only appear | IP address. |
zeroes | when the printer is associated to | 2. If the printer does not connect, check |
( | and authenticated with the WLAN. | that there is an adequate signal between |
| Until the time that the printer | the printer and the access point. If |
| recognizes the existence of a | necessary, move the printer or the access |
| ZebraNet print server, these | point to another location, or remove any |
| parameters will not show through | obstructions between the two. A direct |
| the control panel. After the print | line of site between the printer and |
| server is recognized, all zeroes will | access point provides the best results. |
| display until the printer obtains an | Refer to the |
| IP address or defaults to address | for your access point for |
| | recommendations and limitations. |
| 3. Check the IP Protocol setting. If using a |
| static setting, the value entered might |
| not be valid. |
The IP address for my | If both a wired and wireless print | In your browser window, type in the IP |
wired print server does | server are installed on a printer at | address of the wireless print server. |
not bring up the | the same time and the wireless |
printer home page. | printer is the primary/active print |
| server, the printer web pages can |
| be accessed only through the |
| wireless print server’s IP address. |
11/21/13 |