Event Log Messages |
Code | Event Log Messages | Level | Cable Modem Actions | |
M500.0 | Startup pipe cannot be retrieved | 1 | (Emerg) | When time out, the board will reset |
M500.1 | Startup pipe cannot be created | 1 | (Emerg) | When time out, the board will reset |
M503.0 | Unable to initialize HTTP Server, no | 5 | (Warn) | No action taken |
| HTML supported |
M503.1 | Unable to initialize UI, no HTML supported | 5 | (Warn) | No action taken |
M504.0 | Unable to create or start WDT. No | 5 | (Warn) | When Timeout, the board will reset |
| automate Reset supported |
M505.0 | Unable to create SnmpDelayReset task | 5 | (Warn) |
M510.0 | ReadFromFlash - flash Semaphore NULL, | 1 | (Emerg) |
| cannot access flash |
M510.1 | WriteToFlash - flash Semaphore NULL, | 1 | (Emerg) |
| cannot access flash |
M550.0 | Hash Table failed to allocate memory for | 1 | (Emerg) | Attempt was made to create a hash |
| entries. |
| table. System did not have enough |
| memory. Contact your vendor. |
M550.1 | Hash Table failed to allocate memory for | 1 | (Emerg) | Attempt was made to create a hash |
| hash table. |
| table. System did not have enough |
| memory. Contact your vendor. |
M550.2 | Hash Table failed to add entry. Hash Key | 1 | (Emerg) | System attempted to hash into a hash |
| out of table range. |
| table. Hash key that was calculated |
| was out of the table range. Contact |
| your vendor. |
M550.3 | Hash Table failed to delete entry. Hash | 1 | (Emerg) | System attempted to hash into a hash |
| Key out of table range |
| table. Hash key that was calculated |
| was out of the table range. Contact |
| your vendor. |
M550.4 | Hash Table failed to delete entry. Entry | 4 | (Error) | An attempt was made to delete an |
| not found |
| entry from a hash table and the entry |
| did not exist in the table. |
M550.5 | Hash Table can’t allocate memory to | 1 | (Emerg) | An attempt was made to change the |
| resize table. |
| size of a Hash Table. The system was |
| not able to allocate enough memory to |
| perform the operation. Contact your |
| vendor. |
M550.6 | Hash Table failed to resize table. Current | 4 | (Error) | An attempt was made to decrease the |
| entries > new size. |
| size of an existing hash table that has |
| more entries than the new size will |
| hold. If possible delete some of the |
| entries and try the operation again. |
M551.0 | ***** REACHED MAX ENTRIES, LOG IS | 7 | (Info) | No action taken |
| WRAPPED ***** |
M552.0 | Unable to set SMNPv3 my engine info | 4 | (Error) | No action taken SNMPv3 won’t work |
M553.0 | Unable to create SNMPv3 group | 4 | (Error) | No action taken SNMPv3 won’t work |
M553.1 | Unable to build or install group | 4 | (Error) | No action taken SNMPv3 won’t work |