Boost MobileTM Wireless Web Se rvices
Press A under OK. When you re-enter Web,
you will enter on th e page from which yo u exited
Boost MobileTM Wireless Web Navigation Keys•Home — Press e to return to your home page.
Tip:Press e twice to return to your phone's idle
•Back — Press * to return to a previou s scre en .
•Scroll — A s croll bar on the left of the phone’s
display indicates that additional text can be
viewed. Scroll using the navi gation key.
Tip:While navigating through Boost MobileTM
Wireless screens, a number may appear to
the left of the applicati on or topi c yo u wan t t o
access. Press the cor responding number on
the keypad for quic ker access to tha t
application or topic .
When transmitting highly personal or sensitive data,
such as a credit card numbe r, this icon Eappears,
indicating that the data is encrypted duri ng
Note:You may be asked to (re)enable securit y as
Boost MobileTM adds new services or upon
your return to the U.S. after traveli ng.
For more information and multimedia demos , go to
www.boostmobile.com. You can also get one page
service-specific gu ides called Frequent ly Asked
Questions and other instruction for Boos t MobileTM
Wireless Web Services at www.boostmobile.com.