OOver-the-air programming 10
Over-the-Air Radio Service
Software (OARSS) 10
PPasswords 144
voice mail 84
Patent and Trademark
Information 174
dialing 49
storing 42
Phone 2, 11
flip action 21, 22, 50
locking 144
modem 52
off 9, 10
on 9
only 145
setting up 3
and media center 103
assigning to Contacts 36, 37,
38, 98
deleting from messages 78
inserting in messages 70
saving from messages 78
sending in a message 103
sending in a MMS message
setting as wallpaper 98, 104
setting picture v iew in
Contacts 41
setting picture v iew in recent
calls 31
Profiles 135
PUK code 17
QQuick notes 69, 79
see also MMS messages,
Quick notes
RRadio frequency 162
Recent Calls 29
Recent calls 29, 32
addressing MMS messages
call alerts 29
contact information 30
contents 29
creating MMS messag e s 67
deleting 32
display time 145
setting picture view 31
storing to Contacts 31, 39
viewing 30
viewing My Info 29
Redialing 24, 142
Ring tones 60
deleting 62
downloading 62
in Contacts 36, 37, 38
memory 62
off 60
setting 60
setting in Contacts 61
vibrate 60
viewing assigned 61
Ringer 139
see also Ring tones
off 139