Instant Re-BoostTM
Instant Re-Boos t TM
You can Re-Boost TM instantly by dialing the le tte r s
ADD from your mob ile phone and pres s s. You are
not required to enter your PTN or pass code.
If you select Prepaid C ard, you will be asked to en ter
the 14-digit card n umber printed on th e Re-BoostTM
card. If you've selected C redit Card, you will be
asked simply to confirm your purchase. You will
need to h ave a cre dit card a lready o n file to use it for
purchasing airtime. Call 1-888-BOOST-4U to have
your credit card added to yo ur account.
Boost MobileTM Customer CareBoost MobileTM Customer Care: 1-888-BOOST-4U
(1-888-266-7848) or di al 61 1 fr om yo ur i86 0 ph on e.