Customizing Your Phone
• Headset/Spkr — sets headset option. See
“Changing the Look of Your Phone” on page 139.
• ConnectivityNetwork ID sets the phone’s
network IDs and their roam ing options under the
direction of your service provider; Master Reset
lets your service p rovider reset your se rvice in the
event of a security or provi s ioning problem.
Reset DefaultsReset Settings returns all
settings to their original defaults; Reset All
returns all settings to thei r original defaults and
erases all stored list s. Use only under the
direction of your service provider.
•Return to Home — controls how long the recent
calls list displays after calls.
Airpla ne Mode — prevents your phone from
making or receiving phone calls, Boost
Walkie-TalkieTM calls or transferring data.
Phone Only — prevents your phone f rom mak in g
or receiving Boost Walkie -TalkieTM calls or group
calls, or transfer ring data.
•Baud Rate — sets the baud rate at which your
phone communicates w ith a l ap top com pu te r, PC,
or similar device.