Making Emergency Phone Cal ls
When you make an emergency call, your phone’s
GPS Enabled featur e can help emergenc y service
personnel find you, if yo u are in a location where
your phone's GPS antenna has established a clear
view of the open sky and your local emergency
response center h as the equipment to process
location informatio n. See “GPS Enabled” on page
120, and particularly “IMP O RTANT: Things to Keep
in Mind” on page 120 and “Making an Emergency
Call” on page 121, for more information on the
limitations of this featu r e. Be ca us e of th e lim it at ion s
of this feature, always provide your best knowledge
of your location to the emergency response center
when you make a em ergency call.
Important: Emergency calls cannot be placed while
the keypad is locked.
Important: If you have not registered on the
network, emergency calls cannot be
placed while your SIM is in your phone.
Important: If you are bringing your phone number to
Boost MobileTM from your previous
carrier, the 911 emergency response
center will not be able to make a callback
to your temporary Boost MobileTM phone
number after the phone number you
requested has been activated on your
Boost MobileTM phone.