Enhancing GPS Performance
To improve accuracy and inc r e as e yo ur ch an c es of
a successful calcu lation, do the follo wing while your
phone is determining your approximate location:
•Stay in the open. T he GPS feature works best
where there is nothing betwee n your phone and a
large amount of open sky. If possible, g o outside,
away from tall buildings and foliage. While
performance in a building is improved by moving
closer to windows, glas s with certain sun
shielding films may block satellite si gnals.
•Extend your phone antenn a.
•Hold your phone to enhance reception. Signals
from GPS satellites are transmitted to y our GPS
antenna, which is in your phone antenna. Hold
your phone away from your body, giving the
antenna clear access to satellite signals. Do no t
cover the antenna area with your finger s or
anything else.
GPS antenna