relation to the Service; (ii) you breach any of the
terms or conditions in this Agreement; or (iii) you do
anything which in the Company’s opinion, may
cause damage to the System. I n addition, Service
may be suspended, changed or terminated without
2. CALL CREDITS – Your call credits are valid for
the Call Credit Validi ty Period, i.e., from the date of
their activation, until th e call credit expiration date.
Refer to your rate plan table for details. You may
purchase additional RE -BO OST TM Cards at any time
but you must ac tivate them by ca lling the designate d
BOOST MOBILE Customer Care nu mber be for e the
expiration date of the RE-BOOST Card. If you don ’t
use your call credits or replenish your service within
the Call Credit Validity Period, your call credits will
expire and your mobile number will be withdrawn at
the end of a 60-day Grace P eri od . Ther e i s a l im it of
$300 in call credits that may be aggregated on your
service at any time. RE-BOOST Ca rds ca n be use d
once only. Call credits are not transferable or
redeemable for ca sh.
3. SIM CARDS – The BOOST MOBILE pre-paid
SIM card remains the property of Bo os t Mo bile at al l
times. Should your BOOST MOBILE pre-paid SIM
card or RE-BOOST Card(s) be l ost or stolen, Boost
Mobile will be under n o obligation to repl ace them or
compensate you. I f Boost Mobile does choose to
replace your SIM c ard, you may be cha rged a
replacement fee.
4. USE OF SERVI CE – Customer agr ee s t o comply
with all statutes, ru les and regulations applicable to
Customer, includin g all applicable rul es of the
Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”).
Customer will not use the Service for an y unlawful
purpose. Customer will not use the Serv ice in
aircraft or in motor vehicles in violation of law,
regulation or ordinance. Customer acknowledges
and agrees that al l future purchases of Company
Services and Equi pment by customer sha ll be
governed by the ter ms and conditions c ontained
herein unless Custom er and Company ente r into a
subsequent Service/Subscriber Agreement.
Company may change this Agreement at any time.
Any changes are effectiv e w he n C om pa ny pr ov i de s
Customer with written notice stating the effective
date of the change(s). If Customer elects to use th e
Services or make any paym e nt to C om p an y on or
after the effective date of the changes , Customer is
deemed to have accepted the change(s). If
Customer does not accep t th e ch an ge s , Cust omer
may terminate Services as of the effective da te of
the changes.