Use Voicemail

Use Voicemail

Use the Voicemail feature to listen to voice messages left by calling parties. New voicemails are indicated by:

the V (voicemail) symbol flashes on the display screen (the symbol disappears after the voice message is played)

the flashing Info key

Voice Message text is displayed on the display screen

Note: When the handset is switched OFF, or is out of the coverage zone, the Info and Loudspeaker keys flash and the V (voicemail) symbol appears when the handset is turned ON, or re-enters the coverage zone.

For automated access to your voicemail messages, Nortel Networks recommends you pre-configure the:

voicemail access number

voice box number

Pre-configuration automatically dials the voicemail access number, automatically enters your voice box number, and automatically enters your voice box password.

To pre-configure the voicemail access number, your voice box number, and your password:


Nortel 5260

Robert Reid

1. Press the Menu soft key.


b M r


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Nortel Networks 4060 manual Use Voicemail